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Ascension Acceleration Services

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​Discover the Power of Healing with 1:1 Appointments

Are you ready to discover your soul story, receive healing, and reclaim your gifts?

My 1:1 sessions offer a range of healing modalities to support your journey to:

  • Connect with your God Self, the Angelic Kingdom, Ascended Masters, and your star families of Eternal Light.

  • Discover your Divine Golden Blueprint and activate your highest potential.

  • Experience the power of Metatron Colour Healing or Herbology with Lord Merlin that combines Love, Alchemy, sacred geometry, colour and Ancient Wisdom & healing.

  • Discover Reiki Distance Healing balances your body's chakras, supporting relaxation and healing by removing energy blocks. Crystal Reiki adds an extra layer of healing, supporting the release of emotional, mental, or spiritual block. 


If you want to connect with the Heavenly Realms, Angelic, Cosmic, Universal and Star Energy Healing. Our guides, guardians, and friends, the Archangels and our Star Families are always ready to support you in embracing your essence, personal divine power, and path to wholeness.


As a Therapist of the New Earth, I also offer life coaching and mentoring, using intuitive, compassionate, and nourishing techniques to support your emotional, mental, and physical development and wellbeing. Reconnect with your inner wisdom and self-mastery and live the life you truly deserve. Please contact me directly for more info via my home page. 

I also work with my beloved sister of Light Carrie Knott in co-creation running dedicated workshops & Ascension Airwaves Interviews which you will find advertised on the home page as they become available throughout 2024-25.


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