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The Law of LOVE
by Trish Starling 

The Law of LOVE is to LOVE and be LOVE…   

LOVE is everything
You are Loved and are LOVE
Strip everything back to who you really are. You are love incarnate. You came from love, you were made in love, your heart was started by love, and when it stops beating it will return to another state of love.
You are of the stars, of the cosmos, the galaxies, and the multiverses
You are made up of crystalline light that has the potential to shine brighter than ever before on this earth.
Your heart is the most powerful organ in the body, unconditional love compassion, forgiveness, understanding, generosity, empathy are all the caring Christed attributes of a Melchizedeck/Christ/Buddha.
LOVE feeds you, teaches you, helps you to grow and it keeps you in the highest version of yourself, LOVE is the highest frequency, it is the domain of human intimacy, LOVE is inspiration and makes you feel invincible in this moment as your auric fields extend beyond your comprehension, LOVE makes you feel as if you can do anything.

LOVE is Everything
• If you respond in love, you can only create love.
• If you look with eyes of love, you see only love.
• If you listen with ears of love, you hear what is really required, which is always the need for more LOVE.

Love is all around you and yet you fail to see it. It is in the birdsong, in the face of a newborn child or an elder, wise with years of experience both from this incarnation and that before. Love is in the person who stops to help, the passer by that smiles, the friend and lover, and the one who challenges and teaches you minute by minute, hour by hour.

LOVE shapes our decisions, relationships, and spiritual journeys
LOVE is the fundamental essence of human existence, influencing all decisions and experiences on earth
God and LOVE: God is LOVE, and since humans are made in God's image, they are here to experience and embody LOVE.
Choices and LOVE: Every decision in life is framed as a choice between LOVE and its absence, guiding individuals towards spiritual growth and understanding of God.
• LOVE in Relationships: Relationships and life situations are seen as opportunities to learn about and practice LOVE, portraying life as a stage where LOVE is the ultimate lesson.
LOVE and Ascension: Embracing and extending LOVE is depicted as the path to Universal Ascension and achieving heaven on earth.
Challenges and Growth in LOVE: Pain and suffering can desensitise us to LOVE, but these experiences ultimately deepen the craving for and understanding of LOVE.
Unconditional LOVE: Unconditional LOVE is the highest form of LOVE, necessary for personal and spiritual transformation.
LOVE is the Universal Power: LOVE is the ultimate power, surpassing all other forms of power and leading to divine knowledge and fulfilment.

So many feel unloved and unlovable. Yet we are all loved beyond measure and in equal amount. From the one who has fallen into hate to the one who shines brightest, you are loved by the Beloved Creator God Source just the same.
Love heals everything.
Love is available to everyone.
In the age of the Golden Heart LOVE is now more accessible than ever before.
All you have to do is be open to receive it.
All you need is to hold love at your core and all resistance, suffering and anguish melts away.

LOVE is the Christ Light is within you. You don’t have to search or strive for it. It is simply here right now, whenever you need it.
Cosmic love brings grace and beauty where there is difficulty and nourishes the heart and soul so you can remember your origins and heritage, as well as your future. That is LOVE

LOVE is the key, the lamp lighting the way, the Truth, and the philosopher's stone. It is the universal power that outweighs any other kind of power. As the apostle John said, “Whoever does not know love does not know God, because God is love”. Therefore, everything that we are is LOVE.


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